Breastfeeding will reduce snoring in children

According to scientists, snoring babies are more likely to have behavioral problems such as hyperactivity, depression or other psychological problems compared to normal children.

And researchers have looked at factors that can reduce snoring in children, and the best way to do it is to breastfeed.

The author of the study, Dean Beebe, director of the theory program at Cincinnati Children Hospital, points out that the cause of continuous snoring can include the following factors: difficult circumstances, ethnicity. or frequently exposed to dust and smoke.

According to him, snoring is a cute phenomenon for children in comics or cartoons, but in reality it is not normal for children who snore continuously for several weeks or months.

Picture 1 of Breastfeeding will reduce snoring in children

Snoring can disrupt the quality of sleep and lead to negative effects for toddlers, if they are sleep deprived or have poor sleep.

The study was published online August 13 and printed in a journal on Pediatrics.

The results were published after conducting research on 249 children and their mothers reported the times when they snore since birth, usually about 2 years old and appear at some time when 3 year old.

The results showed that 170 children participated without snoring, 57 children snore transiently, about 2-3 times a week. Meanwhile, 22 children often snore and most of them are very active.

The study also shows that children who suffer from continuous snoring are the ones most likely to have been exposed to smoke or difficult circumstances.

However, the researchers did not find any difference in development between snorers and those who did not snore or who suffered from snoring, but they found that the cause of snoring is due to being hyperactive or too depressed.

Dr. Sangeeta Chakravorty, director of the Children's Sleep Assessment Center at Children's Hospital Pittsburgh, said: 'There is no surprise about the results' . And she also explained: 'Snoring will affect sleep, and insomnia will affect behavior'.

However, she also stressed that the study could not determine whether snoring in children was due to chronic hypoxia, because the studies included only maternal information and no Objective data, such as oxygen concentrations throughout the night.

At the same time, Dr. Chakravorty also added, snoring in this age group is often very common, in which the enlargement of the palate is the biggest cause, followed by tonsils. An allergy nose can also cause snoring, as well as abnormalities in the facial structure or structure of the airway or obesity can also cause snoring in children and adults.

Dr. Chakravorty also made a recommendation, if he hears snoring more than 3-4 times a week and lasts more than a month, take him to the pediatrician.