Snoring can be a threat to your life

Snoring is very common and occurs at any age. Most of us think that snoring in sleep is normal, but it is not so. Snoring has many potential health risks, even life-threatening.

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Snoring and clogging arteries

Snoring can be a cause of stroke and heart attack. Because snoring often can lead to narrowing of the carotid artery. Carotid artery is the main artery in the neck that provides oxygen to the brain.

Scientists at Detroit University believe that snoring causes an inflammation that causes arteries to thicken and this is the first stage of carotid atherosclerosis. This will increase the risk of stroke.

In another study in Australia, scientists also found evidence of a link between snoring and carotid atherosclerosis.

After a long period of sleep monitoring of 110 participants, scientists found that atherosclerosis appeared at a rate of 20% in people with low snoring (snoring less than 25% of sleep time), 32 % of people snore normally (between 25 and 50% of sleep time) and 64% of people snore too much (snoring more than half of the sleep time).

Picture 1 of Snoring can be a threat to your life

Sleep snoring is also dangerous to heart health, because it also involves atherosclerosis that causes the heart around the heart and can lead to heart attack.

Snoring may also cause sleep apnea. Even regular snoring can lead to arterial inflammation inside the body and make the artery thicker, leading to many other health problems.

Snoring is dangerous for pregnant women

Researchers at the University of Michigan have found signs that women who start snoring during pregnancy increase their risk of pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure.

Research on 1,700 pregnant women, researchers have found regular snoring (3-4 nights / week) is the main cause of high blood pressure problems. About 25% of pregnant women who start snoring during pregnancy face double the risk of hypertension compared with those who do not snore.

Pregnancy hypertension, especially pre-eclampsia, has been shown to be associated with low birth weight and an increased risk of preterm birth.

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are also the leading cause of maternal and child deaths in the world. So, snoring on sleep during pregnancy is very dangerous for both mother and child.

Snoring - the cause of chronic headaches

A sleep snoring study, published in the American Academy of Neurology, says there is a link between snoring and chronic headaches.

The study was conducted with the participation of 206 people with headaches and 507 people with frequent headaches. From the results, the researchers concluded, those who snore while sleeping faced a three times higher risk of headaches than those who did not snore.

Snoring affects the health and spirit of young children

It is estimated that about 2% -3% of children suffer from snoring while sleeping. Snoring while sleeping in children is equally dangerous compared to adults. Snoring is one of the first symptoms of a medical condition called 'sleep apnea.'

If in adults, this situation can lead them to a number of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and stroke, it can also cause many health and mental problems. . It can cause developmental delays, behavioral disorders, reduced ability to concentrate and affect academic achievement.

Picture 2 of Snoring can be a threat to your life

This apnea can also cause a child to wake up several times a night, which makes them become grumpy, have a headache and sometimes do not want to eat breakfast. The above situation, if continued prolonged, will strongly affect the IQ and academic achievement of children. Therefore, timely detection and treatment will help children not to suffer from unfortunate sequelae from snoring while sleeping.

French help limit snoring while sleeping

Sleep tilt

People who sleep on their backs tend to snore more than those who sleep on one side. This is because lying on your back makes the jaw close, the tongue closes to block the airway.

Knee high when sleeping

High sleeping pillows will make your head higher than your chest, which will help you reduce snoring while sleeping because of the more 'open' airway.

Do not drink alcohol and sedatives

Alcohol and tranquilizers relax muscles in the tongue and throat when sleeping, contributing to snoring. So to limit snoring syndrome when sleeping, you should not drink alcohol and sedatives.

Do exercise

Exercise not only helps you sleep well but also helps your muscles firm. Exercise helps limit excess fat on the body, especially fatty tissue around the neck area, which causes you to snore. Therefore, exercise at least 30 minutes a day to reduce snoring while sleeping.

Weight loss

Snoring can be caused by a large fat tissue thick inside the throat and mouth that alters the structure, narrowing and obstructing the air. Tissue size increases as body weight increases and that's why overweight people are at higher risk of snoring syndrome. So losing weight is also one of the ways to limit snoring.