Snoring harms the brain

Snoring cannot be underestimated because it affects the brain, which can lead to some other diseases.

Snoring is quite a common phenomenon. On average, every 2 families have one snoring while sleeping. Snoring not only affects people around, especially people sharing the room, it also affects the patient itself because it can lead to many risks of other diseases such as high blood pressure, impairment sexual performance, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia or sudden death during sleep .

Picture 1 of Snoring harms the brain

To find out what snoring has affected the brain, Australian researchers have selected a number of patients both male and female over the age of 40, complaining about how uncomfortable it is to snore while sleeping and getting the right thing. treatment.

Doctors have observed and photographed their brains on magnetic resonators to study. When comparing their brain scans to people of the same age who have normal sleep, doctors find that in people who snore, the gray matter area is damaged and the volume is significantly reduced.

The author of the study, Dr. O'Donohew discovered that the brain is atrophy (whose atrophy rate is related to the severity of snoring), which is responsible for attention, focus, coordinate body movement and memory.

Australian researchers claim that in people who snore there is always a phenomenon of partial respiratory arrest, nighttime is often suffocated even in very short time. At those moments, there will be 'starvation' of oxygen to supply the brain as well as the disruption of brain pressure and seriously affect the brain and cause the consequences.

From the test results, the scientists came to the conclusion: People who snore while sleeping should not drive because there are certain times, they are distracted, it is very easy to happen accidents (when taking the exam Driving, authorities should be concerned about whether or not the candidate has snoring, and at the same time destroying good sleep, making snoring patients more likely to be overweight and obese. That is the cause of some other diseases.