British people are angry with studying bathing ducks

The amount of nearly $ 420,000 from the tax was spent only to study the types of baths that the ducks like best, with the conclusion that they love showering, making the people foggy.

Picture 1 of British people are angry with studying bathing ducks


To ensure that ducks are properly cared for in captivity, Oxford University scientists conducted the study. The British Ministry of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has donated £ 300,000 ($ 420,000) for this project.

For 3 years, experts have given ducks in gutters, ponds, ditches, lakes, bathtubs and many other sources of water. Finally they concluded: duck likes to take a shower. The research process is described as follows: The dipping time of a duck using a shower is twice as high as that of other baths. The amount of water they drink during bathing is about 30% more than the others.

After the report was published, many British people were angry. Anthony Rew, chairman of the National Farmers 'Association, said that it is silly to use taxpayers' money to fund such a study. 'Money sponsors should leave London and go to rural sites to see how people work. So they can make more realistic policies , 'he said.

Geoffrey Cox, MP of the Conservative Party, commented sarcastically: 'During the current economic crisis people need to have funny stories to forget about difficulties and DEFRA created a story. such'. Susie Squire, a Union leader of British taxpayers asked, 'It is not clear why the government has funded that nonsense research'.

Meanwhile, DEFRA spokesman countered: 'This study examines the issues related to the health of farmed ducks. It received the support of experts from the British Poultry Council. Scientists conduct research to ensure that ducks will be raised in the best conditions, meeting consumer expectations. It is disappointing that many people misunderstood the good meaning of research '.