There is going to be a cure for anger

Scientists found that in the brain the receptors caused special aggression in them and also knew how to 'lock' those receptors. Thus, it is possible to completely eliminate this sentiment leading to many negative.

The receptors on the brains of mice that American scientists have discovered are an important element of neurology, making them appear to be aggressive and fierce. When they block these receptors, the nature of the mouse disappears.

It is remarkable that there are similar receptors on the human brain. This means that from the test of rodents, medical practitioners have had a method of treatment for those who are unusually impatient, sometimes bursting out of uncontrollable madness.

The results obtained by US researchers can be considered a real breakthrough in finding drugs to prevent pathological anger, accompanied by psychological disorders such as autism, epilepsy. , bipolar pertubation and Alzheimer's disease. It should be noted that in normal people, sometimes the appearance of anger also leads to criminal behavior.

Picture 1 of There is going to be a cure for anger
Scientists can find cure
hot flashes in the near future.

At the beginning, the physicians only identified congenital genetic factors in mice and people with pathological heat and found very low levels of monoaminoxydase (NMDA) in subjects studied, often appearing. In people as well as mice that are constantly stressed and unable to control their emotions, there are unexpected aggressive behaviors. But then, they found this phenomenon to be related to one of the characteristic mutations.

In rabid rats due to lack of NMDA, brain receptors are highly excitable. By 'locking' these NMDA receptors, they see that they become very gentle, not only then but also later.

Their behavior and behavior change in a positive way. People are now investigating whether 'bad' mice are good with side effects before human trials.

I find that the unrestrained temperament is a 'dangerous' personality that has led to serious situations that we often see in daily news and many murders for a very good reason. small, meaningless from a saying, a 'look' is caused by it. Scientists have tried to find the psychological and therapeutic causes, but are almost helpless.

So it is very hopeful that there will be pills that dissolve the flare ups to avoid possible bad consequences.