The effect of anger

Most people consider anger to be a bad thing, assuming it doesn't have it, life will surely be better. But some studies suggest that anger is sometimes beneficial, it helps us to think creatively and recognize the interactions between phenomena that people normally don't discover.

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Dutch psychologists have just published in The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology a research project, proving that it is anger that brings out unique features in thinking, not in emotional states. normal.

In their demonstration experiment, first of all, by psychological measures, researchers have caused participants to experiment with different emotional states: angry, bored and normal (do control). Then organize them to discuss the problem (called the " brain storm" method) on how to maintain and protect the environment. A 'jury ' evaluates the quality of the opinions involved in the discussion and gives a point to the uniqueness, creativity of each idea, the less the overlap is possible (of course, the people who are experimented with do not know this).

Picture 1 of The effect of anger

The results show that the majority of people, including those who are bored and who are in a normal emotional state (control), only give similar, bland, naive opinions, while the opinions new, excellent people who are in frustrating, irritable mood. The suggestions of this group of people are very flexible, detecting the relationships between different fields, affecting each other, bringing about a profound overall.

According to the judges' assessment, they saw the panorama of the events. However, it was at the beginning of the debate, then the excellence of their opinions diminished and in all three groups, the opinions were only the same level. That is when the anger of the third group has calmed down, saying in the way of physicists 'it has been neutralized'.

A series of other experiments conducted by psychologists from Denver University (USA) also came to the same conclusion, proving that anger makes people 'more wise' , find new, bright solutions. created in negotiations. It seems paradoxical: The victory is not in the hands of calm people.

More recently, Psychological Science also published articles that the author found impatient, or exasperated, to make leaders more successful. But it needs an indispensable condition: The collective that this leader cooperates must include those who are calm, objective and know how to avoid situations that lead to collisions.