Restraining feelings of anger causes life

Many people do not control their rage, letting it explode freely, though it can be alienated, hurting relationships with people, but making him . live longer.

>>> There is going tobe a cure for anger

Experts at Jena University (Germany) believe that this could explain why the famous hot Italian and Spanish people have an average life expectancy of two years higher than the British. has a cold personality (which is in the language called 'Greek Felt'), always controlling his emotions, maintaining calmness outside.

Picture 1 of Restraining feelings of anger causes life
Those who express emotions are straightforward
live longer than those who hold on.

It turns out that a virtue that is considered positive as calm, self-contained, self-love, hate, frustration or satisfaction, does not reveal itself with words, facial expressions, gestures or attitudes . again has serious consequences for both physical and mental health.

After analyzing the health data of 6,000 people, researchers found that it was common for everyone to feel what they didn't want, but the outward reaction was different.

The person who reacts immediately, expressing out most by action, means relieving stress, relieving stress and then becoming comfortable. Meanwhile, those who control themselves, suppress emotions in their hearts, the 'warm memories' of heart rate will always increase, leading to some serious consequences for the body. can.

If this is repeated many times, it can lead to firstly high blood pressure followed by the risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and other diseases including cancer. And the diseases that lead to life expectancy are natural.

As a result, psychologists believe that personality is one of the reasons that determine life expectancy and, although not quantifiable, they lead to the case of deep Englishmen and direct Spanish people like said.

However, scientists also claim that those who try to repress their emotions and control their own unseen stress also have their own advantages. Although they suffer from greater risks of different diseases, they recover much faster. This is also caused by their personalities: they have a higher energy, a stronger will and are more active in changing their way of life.