is the bad thing good for health?

Anger is unhealthy, eating profanity is rude, not doing the housework is considered lazy. But scientists who have recently discovered these bad habits are not as scary as people once thought, on the contrary can be healthy.

For example, anger can reduce pressure, eating obscene is useful for reducing muscle aches and lazy wives do not do housework can avoid allergies, people who have small movements easily obese.

1. Anger helps reduce pressure:

Previously, people thought that anger would make blood pressure rise, not for health. But in recent studies, when faced with pressure, anger is a way to relieve pressure.

Among the 92 students at Carnegie Mellon University USA participated in related experiments. Researchers have found that, in a high-pressure environment that makes people bored, anger does not make a person's blood pressure rise, on the contrary when compared to those who feel pressured. Fear or those who suppress their true mood, the blood pressure index of angry people and the amount of stress hormones are relatively low.

Picture 1 of is the bad thing good for health?

2. Profanity can reduce pain

There are studies that show that people who feel itchy open their mouths and yell, saying obscene words will suffer in a shorter time than those who only complain of pain but dare not say obscene sentences.

During the study, Richard Stephens, a psychologist at Keele University, asked 64 volunteers to put their hands in cold water. The results showed that volunteers who repeatedly cursed could endure 40 seconds longer than the others; when asked about the level of pain, they also felt in a shorter time.

3. Lazy can increase life expectancy

Professor Exeter - a public health expert said that those who have just woken up working, the busy day will soon have to step into the afterlife.

Exeter advises everyone to know how to use time wastefully. There are studies that show that people 50 years of age who regularly run for long periods will lose the ability to order cell changes and their ability to fight off disease.

4. Less housework to avoid allergies

Today, people with allergies like asthma are getting more and more. Some experts believe that modern life has used too much clean and detached utensils, living in a world that is too clean.

Last year, two British universities collaborated to investigate, women during pregnancy or after giving birth using too many clean items in the home will make them at risk for asthma.

This study was conducted with 3000 children. The results show that babies who are exposed to these chemicals are at risk of developing asthma by 41%, because chemical substances stimulate the child's windpipe.

5. Small movements that help reduce fat

People who are free to move like shaking their heads, standing low, while stretching their legs, when yawning, will help them to keep their bodies slender. In general, such people can be more active than obese people for 2 hours a day.

The study also found that movements that are considered excessive body movements can consume 350kcal / day. American research scientist James Levine said that those who want to reduce fat should actively try these small movements.

6. Not folding the blanket can prevent Asthma

Children woke up without folding blankets, often thought to be bad habits by parents. But researchers at Kingston University found that children who don't fold blankets often don't get asthma.

Dust mites attract water in the air to live. If, after waking up, leave the blanket as the same, so the wet air of the blanket, bedding and bed sheet will be dry, causing the dust mite to die.

But if you fold your blankets neatly, then dust mites can live on moisture in the air that causes asthma in children.