Eating by hand is really good for health

This certainly makes many people feel "thorny", but if using the hand after cleaning to eat, it is a very good plan for health.

Picture 1 of Eating by hand is really good for health

1. Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Indeed, fast-eaters are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. According to some studies, if you use a fork and knife, you will eat a lot faster than you eat with your hands. Moreover, when eating by hand, you can actively divide the portion of your mouth into the mouth more than using a spoon or fork many times. So when there is no inconvenience you can use your hands to eat to practice good habits.

Picture 2 of Eating by hand is really good for health

2. Improve digestion

It may sound strange, but eating with your fingers can improve digestion, because when you wash your hands with soap , all harmful bacteria are removed while good bacteria remain on your hands. they are very good for the gut.

Picture 3 of Eating by hand is really good for health

Also, when eating with your hands, your fingers will send signals to the brain that the information of the prepared food will help to make the whole digestive system digest the food most appropriately. without causing any damage, either hard or soft, hot or cold.

3. Help maintain a good body weight

People who eat by hand have a healthy body weight because they don't eat too much. This can be especially good for children, if their parents allow them to eat scientifically from a baby. This is considered the safest way to maintain a healthy body weight.

Picture 4 of Eating by hand is really good for health

Moreover, when eating with two hands, you cannot do anything else, because your hands will be kept clean to continue the meal. When you focus like that in the eating process, you will know how much food you have eaten, and you will better control the amount of food you eat into your body to avoid overeating, or too much, leading to excess excess calories.