These types of fruit eating can cause illness

Eating fruits must also be true

Fruits are very good for your health but you should be careful, because having a lot of fruits or eating them incorrectly is not good for your health.

Do not eat a lot of plums

Plums are high in acid (acid), which is able to break down Ca-P and protein in the body, if the substances are lost a lot, it can cause disease.

At the same time, too much sour taste will not benefit digestion. In addition, acidic substances also cause root rot, especially children 's age teeth, eating plums is more prone to tooth decay.

Eat more tangerine stomach

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People with coronary artery disease, high blood pressure should not eat much fruit.(Photo: internet)

Based on the research of our country experts, one day should not eat more than 3 tangerines. Because the demand for vitamin C needed for each person during the day 3 mandarins is enough. If eating much is harmful to the palate and teeth.

Especially, you should not eat tangerines on an empty stomach because the acidity of tangerine juice will strongly stimulate the stomach lining, affecting the normal digestion of the stomach.

Watermelon causes cold

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Watermelon has a cooling effect. On a hot day, eating a few watermelons is good, but watermelons are welding, and if you eat often, it is not beneficial. Especially those who are bad digesters, people who are pissed at night and have diarrheal disease should not eat much.

Pink easily causes digestion

Pink has a lot of tamin and fat, when these substances meet the acid will become insoluble substance, deposited by tiny particles easily follow the stool out. If you eat a lot of rose, it will increase the easily settling component into large particles that are difficult to escape and have the ability to form large blocks to block digestion.

Especially, you should not eat pink when you are hungry because then you will be much more likely to get married. If you eat after a meal, because you have been consumed by food, it is less associated with pink glue so you are not bound.

Bananas that inhibit blood vessels

Picture 3 of These types of fruit eating can cause illness

High in Mg (Magnesium) in bananas, if you eat a lot at fasting, the concentration of Mg in the blood will increase suddenly, causing an imbalance between the ratio of Mg and Cancium, causing the inhibition in the blood vessels. health benefits. So do not eat bananas when you're hungry.


Picture 4 of These types of fruit eating can cause illness

According to Oriental medicine, digging warm, sweet and sour taste, many health effects on the human body. In iron-rich peach meat, help prevent anemia due to iron deficiency, cough, diuretic, cancer prevention . Digging is a great source of niacin, thiamin, potassium and calcium. Peach also has high levels of beta-carotene - an antioxidant that turns into vitamin A. It is essential for the health of the heart and eyes. People whose diets are high in vitamin A have fewer cataracts. The amount of antioxidants in peaches also supports the maintenance of the urinary system and digestion. It is also considered to be a cleansing and detoxifying agent for the kidneys.

However, eating too much peach will create excessive heat in the body. Therefore, people with thirst or sore throat should not eat too much peach.

Litchi fruit

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Fresh fabrics contain high sugar content. If you eat too much fabric, eat less starch, it will easily cause hypoglycemia, which is often called "fabric disease", and then lead to symptoms such as dizziness, pale skin, thirst, nausea, sweating . The reason is that the fabric contains lots of fructose, it will significantly increase the amount of fructose in the blood. In this case, the liver will not be able to convert fructose into glucose, thereby increasing blood sugar.


Picture 6 of These types of fruit eating can cause illness

Mango is considered the " king of tropical fruits ". Not only is an attractive fruit, mangoes also contain many nutrients that are good for your health. Mango is rich in antioxidants, losing the effect of free radicals on cells and causing health problems such as heart disease, old age and cancer.

However, it is not suitable for people with energy deficiency or spleen failure. Otherwise, it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other allergies.


Picture 7 of These types of fruit eating can cause illness

Pineapple has a lot of vitamins that are beneficial for health and improves skin aging, making the skin dry and flaky. Pineapple is a tropical fruit, which contains a high content of vitamin C. In addition, pineapple contains a special type of proteinase, which can increase the permeability of the stomach lining.

Therefore, some people may suffer from abdominal pain, itching, nausea, headache, even shock after eating pineapple. In this case, before eating pineapple, you can soak pineapple in salt water for about 20 minutes, to kill proteinase and reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions.

7 taboo should not eat jujube

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Apple (jujube) is rich in nutrients and is also a good medicine used in oriental medicine but if eaten more or used incorrectly it will become harmful.

Clinically summarized, 7 caveats that were not eaten include: Full stomach, baby's orange disease, itchy pimples, toothache, tooth decay, jaundice, constipation.

People with coronary artery disease should not eat more fruit

As mentioned, eating fruits with moderate amounts will nourish the body like organic acids, inorganic salts, vitamins and cellulose fiber . But eating fruits a lot for people who are sick coronary arteries, hypertension, and people with cardiovascular disease increase the severity of the disease.

Because in addition to the nutrients in fruits, there are also sugars: sugar fruit, glucosa, sugar cane . If you eat a lot, those substances will increase the fat in the blood and fat. Not good for patients.