Build a house in just one day

Homes priced at just one fifth of what they are today and built for just one day are not fictional. An American engineering professor who invented the device system could do it.

Picture 1 of Build a house in just one day

The Contour Crafting system helps build the house very quickly.

" What we are aiming for is a technology that can build homes that are equipped with information networks, electronic systems, lead solder systems, are slowly painted with wallpaper designs ... All Less than 24 hours for a medium-sized home , "explained Behrokh Khosnevis, a professor of engineering at the University of Southern California. He invented a device designed to build a house that is normally difficult to use by manual labor, called Contour Crafting. " One thing that can not be done is to install the door and the window ."

How to operate this machine is like decorating the cake. But instead of a paste, imagine a crane or scaffolding device with a hanger hanging near the construction site, with two rails away from the planned walls.

These hoses, like an arm, place sliding parts along the rails when the concrete exits, adding the cement layers to the brick walls in the way that the baker decorates the ice cream. The hollow walls are then filled, but the main gaps remain so the arms can be soldered in and the main power lines are installed. When the walls reach the optimal height (the drawer when the wall is high), the arm sets the balance to make the roof or floor.

This construction robot can work with any liquid material, including epoxy and wood shavings, to build the same structure. In addition, it can be carved into the wall.