Bumblebee is almost disappearing in the US

Four species of bees that are popular in the US are almost disappearing from this country, a finding contributing to confirm the alarming reality is being recorded globally.

Picture 1 of Bumblebee is almost disappearing in the US
Honey bees help pollinate some plant species in the United States.

American experts have noted that the number of four species of bumblebee has declined by about 96%, their scope of activity has shrunk to 87%.

As well as the situation in the honey bee, disease is part of the cause of widespread disappearance. However, scientists also found evidence of inbreeding due to loss of housing.

In recent years, experts have recorded the disappearance of some species of bees due to the phenomenon of declining herd, derived from many causes such as parasites, fungi, stress, pesticides, virus. However, most studies focused on honey bees.

Experts Sydney Cameron, the head of the research conducted by the University of Illinois , said bumblebee is also an important pollinator, but is rarely studied. Honey bees pollinate tomatoes, blueberries .

" 50 species (bumblebee) in the US are often linked to plants in grasslands, steppes and high mountains ," Cameron added.

Earlier, some studies also recorded the disappearance of bumblebee in Europe and Asia, but there is no place to conduct a nationwide study like in the US.

Cameron's team has been monitoring the bee for the past three years, at 382 locations in 40 states, and collating results with more than 73,000 reports in museums.