Burial clothes help decompose quickly

Permanent burial clothes help accelerate the process of decomposing corpses, eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and promote the speed of transporting nutrients to plants.

Infinity Burial Suit , or everlasting burial costume , is a tailor-made garment with mushroom spores that helps decompose the corpse by the idea of ​​artist Jae Rhim Lee in the US Jae Rhim Lee opened a company called Coeio in New York to specialize in producing this type of costume, Take Part on 9 February reported.

Picture 1 of Burial clothes help decompose quickly
Jae Rhim Lee gave a presentation on the permanent burial costume in a workshop.(Photo: Youtube).

According to Coeio's website, the clothes are embroidered with special fibers mixed with permanent mushroom spores . When buried in the ground, fungal spores are effective in cleaning dead bodies containing toxins in cells or internal organs.

Lee thinks that the human body is a filter and a place to store toxins from the environment. The goal of design is to eliminate toxins in a sustainable and environmentally beneficial way, to overcome the limitations of other burial forms.

Burial in the usual way requires coffins made of wood. In the United States alone, the amount of wood used to close the coffin is up to 30 million plates per year, according to Scientific American. In the process of handling corpses before burial, many toxic embalming chemicals are also used, such as formaldehyde carcinogens, and they can penetrate into the soil after being buried. Cremation in the United States also discharges 246,240 tons of CO 2 into the air every year.

Meanwhile, Infinity Burial Suit costing 999 USD is not only environmentally friendly but also cheaper than burial costs (1,181 USD in 2014) and cremation (average 6,087 USD) in the US.