Devil's arms, monkey face spread, baby flowers ... are considered exotic flowers from the name to shape, scent.

When an ant dies, other members will quickly bury it to prevent the risk of spreading the disease.

Although vultures do not belong to the group of 'lovely' birds in many people's eyes, this is a useful bird. And there are really interesting things about this

German police will use vultures to determine the location of corpses in places where dogs cannot come.

When a whale dies, its body sinks deep into the sea and becomes food for the entire ecosystem.

People - and most animals - do not

The decline in the number of vultures has caused general hygiene problems worldwide because animal corpses tend to rot, or be eaten by rats or wild dogs.

Permanent burial clothes help accelerate the process of decomposing corpses, eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and promote the speed of transporting nutrients to plants.

Many people abstain from ghosts when the body is weak, especially young children, the elderly and weak, pregnant women because they are afraid of getting cold from the dead will

Scientists fear a neuropathy that kills North American deer can spread to humans.