Camellia tea - Camellia chrysantha

Tea flower petals with evergreen leaves, big beautiful flowers, still used as ornamental plants. There are thousands of varnishes, yellow flowers and called yellow flower tea.

Picture 1 of Camellia tea - Camellia chrysantha

(Photo: mobot)

Golden flower tea is a small, evergreen tree, about 2-5m high, thin branches, pale yellow bark, they paint tea (Theaceae). Single leaf sprouting from long narrow circle. Every year until April - May staggered, new leaves come out, after 2-3 years old leaves fall out. November begins to bloom, flowers last until March next year. Flowers grow in the armpits of new leaves growing separately. Yellow metallic wax ball, beautiful, glitter makes people feel half transparent. Flower diameter of 5-6cm, cup or bowl form, secularized and beautiful.

Yellow flower tea prefers hot and humid climate, often grows in loose soil on the shady stream bank, draining well. The range of natural distribution is very narrow, only seen growing wild in the hills of 100-200m mounds, Ung Nhinh district - Nam Ninh - Quang Tay - China. Belonging to the first-class protection tree of China.

Golden flower tea has very high economic and medicinal value. Leaves can be taken orally, making dysentery and washing wounds and sores. Flowers cure diarrhea, can also be used as food colors. Hardwoods can make household appliances and handicrafts. Seeds can be pressed into oil.

Picture 2 of Camellia tea - Camellia chrysantha
(Image webshots)