Why do British people often give milk to tea?

Tea is a drink that has become popular in the UK more than three centuries ago and today, almost the whole world enjoys it. This drink is often tied to the British, despite its Chinese and Indian origins. And do you know why the British are the only Europeans who often mix tea with milk?

When tea began to be imported from India in the seventeenth century, they began to change some British habits.

Picture 1 of Why do British people often give milk to tea?
Assamica tea is darker black tea than green tea.

The most popular tea variety in India when it was a type called Camellia Sinensis Assamica.

Assamica tea is a darker black tea than green tea, because the oxidation blackens the tea leaves and loses the flower color and makes the tea bold.

So when the British received the first products of ' English Breakfast ' tea containing Assamica, naturally, they added milk. Today this tradition continues.

In contrast, in continental Europe, tea originated from the Netherlands, imported from Indonesia, has a lighter flavor and does not require milk.

That's why the British are the only Europeans to continue drinking tea with milk.