Don't mistake soy milk for good with fresh milk

Soy milk has a content of 1% insoluble fiber, suitable for people with constipation, obesity, high cholesterol and many other cases .

Soy milk has become a home drink because of its aromatic, cooling and nutritious properties. However, there are still many misconceptions that make users cautious.

1. Soy milk is not as good as fresh milk

The content of protein, calcium, vitamins and other nutrients in fresh milk is higher than soy milk such as calcium 10mg / 100g, 3g / 100g protein . however soy milk has some ingredients that fresh milk does not have as : isoflavones, soy saponin .

Picture 1 of Don't mistake soy milk for good with fresh milk
The key to good health is to use each type of milk appropriately.

In 100ml of soymilk, there are 58.3 kcal, 3.6g protein, 1.9g fat, 0.8g fiber and 0.03g sodium. In addition to providing calcium to prevent osteoporosis, milk in general has the effect of strengthening resistance, preventing stomach and intestinal diseases.

Also in soy milk there is 1% insoluble fiber, suitable for people with constipation, obesity, high cholesterol and many other cases.

Drinking soy milk regularly helps improve vision because carotene and vitamin E in soy milk are higher than cow's milk. At the same time, soymilk contains no saturated fatty acids and cholesterol that affects people with cardiovascular disease.

So it is impossible to confirm that soy milk is not as good as fresh milk, the key to good health is to use each type of milk appropriately.

2. Women who drink soy milk will develop breast cancer

In addition to the causes of breast cancer such as chemicals and radiation . cancer depends heavily on the female hormone estrogen . This hormone is usually metabolized from fat. High estrogen levels can stimulate breast cancer growth.

Many people think that an excess of female hormones (mainly due to soy isoflavones) can accumulate in the body, causing estrogen levels in the body to increase, increasing the risk of breast cancer.

Picture 2 of Don't mistake soy milk for good with fresh milk
High estrogen levels can stimulate breast cancer growth.

According to studies, in soy milk contains estrogenic nature plant . For thin women, lack of estrogen, soy milk is a very good estrogen supplement, which helps skin ruddy. But for fat women, people at high risk for breast cancer should not use too much, should only consume the amount of food from soy at a moderate level.

In fact, soy has phytochemicals and antioxidants that are very beneficial for health. Soymilk helps reduce osteoporosis, making calcium absorption better.

So drinking soymilk milk cannot cause breast cancer, but it also works to prevent many diseases, good for women's health.

3. Soy milk causes infertility in men

In fact, the amount of isoflavone added to the body by drinking soy milk is not high, it is not possible to significantly increase the production of estrogen hormones. In 100 grams of healthy bean milk contains 9.65mg of soy isoflavones. A normal person drinks 1 cup of milk a day, the amount of isoflavones is only about 20mg, even in the condition of drinking 1 liter of milk, the amount of isoflavones is only about 100mg.

Picture 3 of Don't mistake soy milk for good with fresh milk
Soybeans also have the ability to prevent prostate collection.

Many analyzes show that the amount of soy isoflavones as above does not affect the level of male sex hormone.

In fact, many European and American men respond to a soy-rich diet to protect their health. Many studies have shown that in addition to heart benefits (replacing soy products with animals, you can reduce low-density lipoproteins - a harmful type of cholesterol and increase the density of beneficial cholesterol) , soybeans also have the ability to prevent prostate seizures.

So thinking that drinking healthy bean milk causes infertility in men is unfounded.