If you like to drink milk but are allergic to dairy products or feel bored when drinking cow's milk, soymilk is the perfect cure.

People with gout, stomach ulcers, colitis ... should avoid soy and its preparations.

Foods from eggs, milk will keep the flavor, nutrients most if you know how to preserve.

Dr. David Katz - Director of the Yale-Griffin Center for Disease Research and Prevention (USA) - recommends that consumers before choosing milk should consider based on their

Brown rice, its meaning, sweet potato, tofu, soy milk, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts ... have a protective effect on the bone before the effects of toxic toxicity in arthritis.

According to a recent study, most teenage girls (13-19 years old) fall into Iodine deficiency, and this may adversely affect brain development. later generations of children.

Soy milk has a content of 1% insoluble fiber, suitable for people with constipation, obesity, high cholesterol and many other cases ...