6 reasons you should drink soy milk

If you like to drink milk but are allergic to dairy products or feel bored when drinking cow's milk, soymilk is the perfect cure.

Soy milk is quite dense, has hazelnut flavor and is more beneficial to health than you think. Please refer to the following information about soy milk.

A cup of medium 250ml soy milk container: 25-31% calcium, 11-31% vitamin D, 89-125 calories, 5g fat (of which 0.4g saturated), 6-10g protein, 1- g sugar.

Improve lipid (fat)

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One of the most important roles of soy milk is its ability to improve blood lipids.(Photo: citydentist.com).

One of the most important roles of soy milk is its ability to improve blood lipids. Unlike milk that normally contains high levels of cholesterone and saturated fat, soymilk often contains relatively low amounts of fat and especially without cholesterone. Single and polyunsaturated fatty acids help prevent cholesterone from entering the blood. Studies show that people who regularly drink soy milk have lower blood levels of triglycerides and lipoproteins, help prevent stroke risk and are a great drink to support people with a family history of interstitial support. blood vessels.

Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids as well as antioxidants and phyto-hormones in soybeans help you protect blood vessels from breakage and elasticity. These substances act as adhesives, preventing cholesterone and other harmful substances from entering your body. In addition, it is this mixture of nutrients that helps you improve the elasticity and liquid state of blood vessels, helping them to be better protected every time blood pressure changes.

Support weight loss

Soybeans contain less natural sugar than cow's milk. While cow's milk contains about 11g of sugar in a 250-ml cup, soy milk is only half that, equivalent to 6g sugar. Therefore, an average cup of soymilk contains only 81 calories, equal to that of skim milk. In addition, monounsaturated fatty acids in soy milk are able to prevent fat absorption into the intestine, support weight loss. Moreover, drinking soy milk will give you more fiber, so it will make you feel full longer.

Prevent prostate cancer

Soymilk contains a rich source of phytoestrogens (female hormones, so men are advised not to consume too much soy products), so it will prevent male sex hormones, testosterone, from being released too much. Lower levels of male testosterone mean lower risk of prostate cancer. Studies have shown that men who follow a soy diet are less likely to develop hypertrophy or prostate cancer.

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Photo: pingminghealth.com

Preventing premenopausal symptoms

During menopause, the amount of phytoestrogen secreted in a woman's body falls to the lowest level. Such sudden decline in hormones leads to many health problems for postmenopausal women. These people are often at higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In addition, they are more susceptible to depression, insomnia, emotional changes and more physical problems. Soy phytoestrogen hormone is a valuable alternative to lost hormone levels. Therefore, regularly drinking soy milk will help reduce and slow down symptoms and postmenopausal consequences.

Improve osteoporosis

Osteoporosis causes bone condition to weaken, become soft and break easily. Soy phytoestrogen hormone helps absorb calcium into the body and makes bones stronger. To maximize the effect, you should buy vitamin D supplemented soy milk and calcium to drink.

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Certain soy milk must be boiled well before drinking.

Note when drinking soy milk

  1. Certain soy milk must be boiled well before drinking. In live soy milk contains Trypsin inhibitors, saponins and some other non-beneficial substances, so if you drink soymilk or if you do not boil well, it will cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. Lice poisoning.
  2. Do not beat eggs with soy milk. Egg whites are combined with yeast in soy milk tripsin to form a precipitate that makes it difficult for the body to absorb, moreover it loses the nutrients of eggs and soy milk.
  3. Do not add red sugar when drinking soy milk. In red sugar contains many organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid . have the effect of combining protit and calcium to form denatured compounds, losing nutrients of soy milk, and affecting to the absorption and digestion of the body.
  4. Should not just drink soy milk. If you only drink soy milk, the nutrients in soybeans when you are in your body are all converted into the heat you consume, so there is no additional effect. Therefore, when drinking soy milk, eat a little more breakfast such as pastries, bread, dumplings, . or products of starch preparations. Starch has the effect of making secreted fluid make the nutrients in soy milk completely digested and absorbed.
  5. Do not drink too much soy milk for a while. For adults, one should not drink more than 500ml once, if not easily lead to abdominal pain, go out because the nutrients in soy milk are not absorbed well, which affects the digestive system badly.
  6. Do not take the medicine with soy milk. Some special drugs antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycine have the effect of decomposing nutrients in soy milk.
  7. Soy milk should not be stored in a thermos bottle. Bacteria are easy to grow and develop in soy milk at warm temperatures, after 3 to 4 hours soy milk will deteriorate and cannot be used anymore.
  8. Not everyone can absorb soy milk well . According to traditional medicine, soybeans have natural welding properties, so people with spleen are damaged, after eating or excreting abdomen, bloating, belching, heartburn, easy to go outside, people with kidney symptoms, metastasis, much nocturnal nocturnal, . are not suitable for use, easy to make the symptoms worse
  9. Do not use soy milk to replace breast milk for nursing babies . Although the nutrient content in soy milk is high, it is not enough for the developmental needs of children.

Is drinking soy milk the best?

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Soy milk can be used at all times of the day because it rarely has side effects.

Nutritionist Kanzaki tomoko (Japan) has pointed out that soy milk can be used at all times of the day because it rarely has side effects, but if you want to get the optimal nutrition, you should make it menu of soy milk at these 2 times of the day.

  1. The first is drinking after the morning to wake up , that is to use at the same time as breakfast. At this time, the human body easily absorbs nutrients in soy milk, and also helps you more convenient for urination and defecation in the early morning.
  2. The second time is the night before going to sleep about 1 to 2 hours . Because of this time the body easily absorbs Isoflavones in soy milk, in addition it also controls the fat regeneration at night, supporting people who want to lose weight.