Signs of milk tea poisoning you need to know

It is very important to recognize the warning signs of milk tea allergy as well as the first aid. So don't skip this article!

Signs of milk tea poisoning

For people with food poisoning, the first noticeable symptom is abdominal pain and diarrhea. Other common signs and symptoms may include abdominal wheezing or bloating and bloating. For the elderly or children, the symptoms are usually worse because the immune system is weak.

The infected person has nausea and vomiting immediately . After vomiting of food that has been eaten / drank before, the patient continues to show signs of persistent vomiting after a few hours, not eating at all.

Picture 1 of Signs of milk tea poisoning you need to know
The first noticeable symptom of milk tea poisoning is abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Another common symptom of food poisoning is dizziness or lightheadedness . This symptom can last for several hours, the body will start to heat up and there will be flu-like symptoms after a food poisoning. If these symptoms happen many times, it will lead to dehydration and electrolytes, which can be life-threatening.

Who should not drink a lot of milk tea?

According to the research of experts, milk tea - a drink most popular, especially young people has a lot of potential risks to health.

Milk tea that we drink often does not contain milk nor tea. Their main ingredients are fatty cream mixed with tea powder and other additives such as aromatherapy, aromatherapy, etc. These are ingredients that contain a great deal of sugar, saturated fat and highly metabolized fatty acids. Not good for human health. Therefore, everyone should limit drinking milk tea , especially those suffering from obesity, diabetes, malnutrition.

According to nutrition experts, milk tea has a fatty cream component - a very high content of trans fatty acids. However, in addition to harming obesity, it also affects the quality of sperm as well as their flexibility, increasing the risk of infertility in men. Therefore, for men, milk tea is a drink that should be avoided.

Picture 2 of Signs of milk tea poisoning you need to know
Everyone should refrain from drinking milk tea.

How to handle milk tea poisoning

When detecting a person with milk tea allergy, first respond quickly by taking 1 tablespoon of vitamin C powder mixed with 1 glass of water and giving the patient a drink.

When symptoms of milk tea poisoning were relieved, for at least 4 days afterwards, do not allow patients to eat foods such as eggs, egg-based food, dark drinks such as coca, wheat, tea, Chocolate, milk, dairy products, tomatoes and sour fruits.

If you see symptoms that are not relieved, take the patient to the nearest hospital for prompt relief.