What to eat when suffering from food poisoning

Eat ginger, lemon, apple cider vinegar . to prevent and discharge toxins; Drink peppermint tea, eat chicken soup recover energy after food poisoning.

Food poisoning can happen to anyone, at any time. If the poisoning is severe, you may need to be hospitalized and ask the doctors to intervene. If mild, your body exits itself and leaves within 2 days. You should try some natural ways to eliminate toxins and recover from food poisoning.

There are some easy remedies for food poisoning. Here are some foods to eat to treat poisoning, according to Boldsky.

Food should be eaten with food poisoning


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When poisoned, take a slice of ginger in your mouth to prevent nausea.

Food poisoning has symptoms such as nausea, heartburn and discomfort. A cup of ginger tea can soothe those symptoms and prevent the bacteria from attacking. You can also take a slice of ginger in your mouth to prevent nausea.


To kill bacteria that cause food poisoning, you can use lemon. The anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral ingredients in lemon will support the body when poisoned. You can sip warm lemon juice several times to clean your system.

Apple cider vinegar

To reduce the symptoms of food poisoning immediately, think of apple cider vinegar. With alkaline effects, apple cider vinegar can kill bacteria and soothe your gastrointestinal mucosa. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup of hot water and drink it before eating.


This herb is one of the best measures for food poisoning. Antimicrobial properties will kill microorganisms and lessen abdominal discomfort. Consume basil juice and a little honey and drink it several times a day.


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Eating bananas will help you recover energy.

Bananas are an effective source of potassium, nausea and vomiting. Besides, consuming bananas at this time will help ease digestion. In addition, consuming bananas also helps to recover your energy.


With antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties, garlic is believed to be one of the best medicines to treat food poisoning. It reliefs symptoms of diarrhea and reduces abdominal pain. Eat a garlic clove every day, on an empty stomach to support your body when poisoning.

Cold milk

Cold milk is also one of the ways to recover food poisoning. It not only soothes upset stomachs but also reduces vomiting and nausea.

Dill seeds

These seeds have antibiotic properties against stubborn bacteria that cause food poisoning. Boil some dill seeds and add some white salt. In addition, you can also add a teaspoon of coriander juice and consume twice a day.

Mint tea

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Peppermint tea will help you reduce muscle pain and cramps when you suffer from food poisoning.

Abdominal pain and cramps when suffering from food poisoning will make you extremely uncomfortable. In this case, mint tea will help you. Drinking small sips of tea during the day will help relax your nerves and your system.


After food poisoning, you need this food to recover energy. This is one of the best ways to recover from food poisoning.