How to prevent food poisoning during Tet

You need to apply some reliable food selection tips, eat and drink boiled, properly store and timely aid when food poisoning.

>>>Measures of dealing with food poisoning at home

Food poisoning is a medical condition that occurs after eating or drinking poisoned foods. Causes of food contamination (from bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold .); contaminated with chemicals (heavy metals, pesticide residues, additives .); Metamorphosis when left too long or the food itself contains poison (puffer fish, liver toad, poisonous mushrooms .).

Therefore, the fact that women buy a large amount of unidentified foods, store food for a long time during Tet, men drink a lot of alcohol . are at high risk of causing food poisoning. The notes below may limit the risk and impact of food poisoning.

Effective measures to prevent food poisoning:

Choose reliable food

Dirty meat can turn into fresh, red rose after just a few minutes of soaking chemicals. Therefore, when buying pork or beef, you should choose a solid, elastic, mass meat that is soft, sticky, dry meat film, not viscous, no strange smell, rancid smell.

Picture 1 of How to prevent food poisoning during Tet
Vegetables, tubers and fruits should choose to buy at prestigious places and in the right season

For fish, it is best to choose the fish still in the water. If the fish dies, it is necessary to choose fish that is visibly shiny, the fish in the eyes, the fish scales do not leave, bring the snapper, press the finger into the fish flesh without leaving a dent. Vegetables should be purchased at reputable places, fresh fruits must be on season, and stalks and green leaves.

Women should also buy processed food in reputable places and hygienic storage. Choose to buy canned foods that need to pay attention to the long shelf life, specify the place of manufacture, the distributor, the ingredients, the container parts are not distorted, bulging or rusted.

Eat cooked and drink boiled

Food must be carefully prepared before processing. The meats should be salted to clean the outside, boiling water to remove odors and bacteria. Vegetables must be washed several times under running water, salt water diluted about 20-30 minutes, especially if eaten raw.

Many families have a habit of eating hot pot on Tet holiday, however, the habit of eating and re-living all kinds of meat, seafood and green vegetables has potential to cause food poisoning, infection or helminths. It is best to eat cooked and boiled water. When processing, care should be taken not to mix raw food with cooked food, do not share tools (knives, cutting boards .) for raw and cooked food.

Store properly

Food after cooking should be eaten immediately, no more than 2 hours. If left for longer, store food in the refrigerator and reheat before eating. Avoid leaving food too long in the refrigerator, even with cooked food.

Picture 2 of How to prevent food poisoning during Tet
Fresh food should be divided into enough portions for a meal.

Food must be stored at the right temperature. Fresh fish meat should be washed away in the freezer, divided into enough parts for a meal, to avoid getting the food to thaw and store it again. Fresh vegetables are placed in the vegetable compartment, wrapped into separate bags.

A refrigerator is a place to store food, so it needs to be cleaned regularly. Avoid excessive stagnant food in the refrigerator causing cold temperatures to not guarantee, food is easily damaged. In addition, women also need to clean the food processing area, cooking stove, and clean hands before cooking.

First aid for food poisoning

Common manifestations of food poisoning are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, writhing abdominal pain, headache, possibly fever or not . occurring minutes, hours, even days after eating . In severe cases, patients may have difficulty breathing, cyanosis, convulsions, vasodilation, apnea, and coma.

First aid should be carried out as soon as the above signs appear. If the patient is alert, vomiting can be caused to expel contaminated food by giving the patient plenty of water and throat. After inducing vomiting, leave the patient on a rest, can use liquid electrolyte medication to compensate for the lost water for the patient.

Do not induce vomiting for coma or young children because it is easily inhaled. In this case, it is necessary for the patient to have a low head, leaning sideways to avoid choking. If the patient stops the heart, apnea should be emergency immediately by inhaling the breath and pressing the heart. After that, it is necessary to quickly bring the patient to the hospital for further treatment.

Mild cases (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) can be treated at home by giving oral rehydration solution by electrolyte solution, but it should not be taken with diarrhea because it slows the elimination of toxins from the muscle can.