Can produce artificial meat

Dutch scientists have found a way to produce artificial meat in the laboratory .

Telegraph said the Dutch government and a sausage manufacturing company suggested Eindhoven University (Netherlands) study how to produce artificial meat, after American scientists succeeded in creating meat from sacrifice. muscle cells of fish.

Mark Post, a professor of physics at the University of Eindhoven (Netherlands), said he and his colleagues separated cells from a live pig's muscle and placed them in a nutrient-rich solution. Pig cells multiply in solution and develop into muscle tissue. However, the weakness of artificial pork is that it contains too much water.

'We just need to take a pig's cell to produce the same amount of meat as millions of animals. Now what we have is the kind of waste meat. We need to find a way to improve its quality. This product not only benefits the environment but also reduces the suffering of animals. If it tastes like real meat, we believe people will want to eat , 'Post said.

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Artificial meat reduces emissions causing greenhouse effects and suffering of animals.Photo:

No one has ever tasted Post products, but the scientific community believes that artificial meat will be sold widely within five years. The animal protection organizations applauded the announcement of the University of Eindhoven and declared that eating meat would not be considered 'immoral' if they were not taken from dead animals.

The team claims that the quality of artificial meat will be comparable to buttocks, when they find a way to increase the firmness of muscle.

According to Telegraph, consumption of meat and dairy products will double before 2050, while animal-generated methane accounts for about 18% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Animals emit CO 2 and methane - two types of greenhouse gases. Every day billions of animals on earth release thousands of tons of harmful gases. If artificial meat production technology is widely adopted, humanity will reduce emissions.