Can squeezing acne cause death?

If you've ever been a teenager, you probably won't be surprised by the days of fighting with acne: You begin to notice a bump that forms on your forehead, under your chin or even on your nose. Then they grow into white latex heads.

Does squeezing acne make you die?

Some people feel that this is disgusting and they start squeezing them. Although dermatologists always recommend that you never do it, you can still squeeze a few pimples every day.

In addition, most of the acne suppressions are very normal and subjective. In fact, it's a game of chance that you don't know. Each time squeezing acne can leave you with scars or worse, infection . When you squeeze acne, you're actually trying to break your skin. The torn skin provides an opportunity for bacteria from invading the wound. If unfortunately, it will leave a scar, infection that makes you seriously ill or even fatal.

Picture 1 of Can squeezing acne cause death?
The "dead triangle" area on the face.

In fact, on the face there exists an area called 'dead triangle' . If a serious infection in this area can cause you to die. The question is why are they so dangerous? The reason for the blood vessels in this area leads to the back of your head and to the brain organs . This area is also adjacent to the sinuses. If not treated promptly, a nasal cavity infection can quickly become serious. It can cause vision loss, paralysis or even death.

The veins around the nose, mouth and eyes are very close to the brain. If bacteria can invade this area, it is a real threat to the brain. A break and heavy bleeding is not as dangerous as you squeeze the pimples on your face and bet your hands have no bacteria.

Now maybe you understand why you should consider it before doing something with the 'dead triangle' area on your face. Not only to squeeze acne, sneezing is also a habit to be wary of . If you see a long nose hair, it is best to cut it with scissors. Many people have a habit of breaking the hair, they are wagering with their own lives.

The nose hairs are home to more bacteria. They are produced only to prevent bacteria from penetrating into the respiratory system.Plucking a hairs in the nose causes a risk of infection and harms the body's defense system .

Picture 2 of Can squeezing acne cause death?
Ideally, let acne develop naturally.

Finally, you might ask how we need to deal with acne spots?The best solution is to avoid it . Keep your face and inside your nose clean. Limit eating spicy, hot, spicy foods. A healthy lifestyle will reduce the growth of acne. If acne still appears, it is best to let them naturally grow until the pimples appear and rise . Now you can squeeze them out. However, make sure you wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Most importantly, if you detect any signs of infection, contact your doctor immediately.