Guess the disease through the location of acne on the face

Warts on the forehead warn that the bladder and colon are not working well; Nose acne shows cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and stress.

Diagnosis of disease through acne on the face

Acne on the face reveals many health problems. To treat acne, you need to know the cause of acne. Skin treatment but you need to be treated inside your body because many parts that are not working well cause acne.

Here are the acne locations that show you are suffering from several diseases:

Acne on the forehead

Sprouting on the forehead warns you of problems in your bladder and colon. People with acne on the forehead often have poor digestive system and urinary tract infection. To get rid of acne and treat digestive problems, pay attention to diet, choose antioxidant-rich foods like tomatoes, cherries, apples, lemons, green tea .

Acne grows on the eyebrows

According to Chinese medicine, forehead acne (on the eyebrows) means you are having nervous system problems. You may be anxious or depressed. Relax, sleep well, spend time with friends and family to relieve stress, prevent acne, and restore bright skin.

Picture 1 of Guess the disease through the location of acne on the face
Acne on the face reveals many health problems.

Acne grows around the eyebrows

Acne grows in the surrounding area and near the eyebrows signaling liver function problems. This sign shows you are on the wrong diet. Limit eating snacks, fried foods, high-fat foods, smoking . Enhance eating green vegetables, fresh fruits and vegetable juices to remove toxins from the body, helping Liver rehabilitation.

Acne in cheeks

Doctors say cheeks are linked to lung function. People who smoke and have lung problems such as asthma, respiratory allergies and bronchitis are prone to acne on their cheeks. To protect your lungs, you need to stop smoking, strengthen your lung supplements.

Acne on the nose

Acne on the nose indicates that you may have cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and stress. High cholesterol affects the heart and blood vessels. Avoid foods that increase blood fat and cause a heart attack. Eating healthy foods reduces cholesterol and maintains normal blood pressure.

Acne near the mouth and chin

Caviar appears in the mouth and chin that are related to the stomach and small intestine. The chin area is linked to the genitals, urinary tract and kidneys. Acne occurrence in this area indicates hormonal imbalance and constipation. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid oily foods, fast food and fresh water to improve your condition.

Acne grows on the ear

Acne with an acne warning is not good. Not drinking enough water can lead to decreased kidney function and growth in the ear.