Canada promotes the development of the aerospace industry

On February 27, the Government of Canada made an assessment of the space to promote cooperation between the government and the space industry as well as promoting economic development.

David Emerson, once Minister of the Conservative Party's Cabinet of Government, will head a three-member Advisory Council to assess how governments, the space industry and the ancient Another important factor that can address the key issues facing this industry.

Picture 1 of Canada promotes the development of the aerospace industry
Canada promotes the development of the aerospace industry

In addition, the council is tasked with finding solutions to promote cooperation between sectors towards the goal of making the aerospace sector a dynamic part and a larger role in the Canadian economy.

Canadian Industry Minister Christian Paradis affirmed that the assessment is necessary to ensure that Canada continues to have a strong aerospace industry and maintains about 80,000 jobs in this area.

The aerospace industry Canada is currently ranked 5th in the world and annual revenue is over 22 billion USD. However, in recent years, the industry is facing strong competitive pressure on the global market.