Cardiac drugs can prevent blindness

Recently, scientists from the University of Georgia Pharmacy (USA) announced that statins - belonging to the lipitor cardiac line of drugs may help prevent the risk of blindness for diabetic patients.

Picture 1 of Cardiac drugs can prevent blindness

Mr. Azza El-Remessy and his colleagues said that people in adulthood have a 10 to 15 year age of diabetes, which is easy to be blind, this is the result of diabetes. Currently, if using surgical methods for treatment, the cost is high and often causes pain.

Scientists conducted experiments on diabetic mice, they found that statin drugs act on the retina, which prevents free radicals from destroying nerves that maintain function. eye sight.

El-Remessy said: ' Today, the selected therapies have proven to be safe and effective immediately for patients'. 'Diabetes is uncontrolled and the excess of glucose has created free radicals that are the main cause of decreased protein production that stimulates growth and protects the retinal nerve ,' he said. El-Remessy explained further.