Cats are actually getting fatter and science says that everything has a reason

Indeed now, the fact that a cat boss owns a weight of over 5kg is no longer so special.

If you are a cat lover and regularly watch "bosses", you will realize the fact that more and more cats must be classified as "super big". Now, the number of cats reaches 5 - 6kg, which is so much and so special, up to 8kg, even beyond 10, especially for cats that have been sterilized.

That's not just a feeling, because science also recognizes it. According to a recent study, domestic cats are now getting bigger and bigger than before . Specifically, when comparing the average weight of mature cats that have been sterilized 20 years ago, they are now much bigger.

Picture 1 of Cats are actually getting fatter and science says that everything has a reason

Today's cats are getting bigger and bigger than before.

Notably, their weight gradually increased over time, and especially increased significantly when the age of 8 years.

"For humans, we understand the importance of maintaining body shape and body health. But for cats, it's fine to know how to be healthy" - Theresa Bernado, professor at Guelph University, author of the study. said.

"We don't have enough data. Setting up a chart that links cat weight and their lifespan will give us some important clues."

It is known that Bernado's research is very large. The study analyzed data from more than 54 million copies of the 19 million cat weight assessments. This data sheet shows the difference in sex, species, and reproductive status of cats.

Picture 2 of Cats are actually getting fatter and science says that everything has a reason

Male cats tend to be bigger than females.

Accordingly, male cats tend to be bigger than females , and those that are sterilized will be heavier - just like what we often think. Most domestic cats are often sterilized early. In addition, the diet and trend . fond of fat cats has led to bosses being overly petite today, gaining weight without braking.

In addition to most domestic cats, their weight peaks after 8 years of life. This time with cats is like middle-aged people, there are a few health risks that occur.

"People are often worried about overweight at middle age. In cats, too, because this situation will cause them to encounter some risks, such as diabetes, heart disease, even cancer" - co-author research, Adam Campigotto said.

"With this data, we can confirm the cat's weight gain trend. Although it is not known what is the ideal weight of cats, it serves as a fulcrum for further studies."

Picture 3 of Cats are actually getting fatter and science says that everything has a reason

For most domestic cats, their weight peaks after 8 years of life.

However, research data is also not perfect. More than 50% of cats are only weighed once, probably because their owners do not give them regular checkups. But according to Campigotto, weight alone can help us realize what cat problems are.

"Cats are able to hide the disease quite well, so we rarely take them to the veterinary. So if we determine the disease from weight, cats will be able to stay with us longer but be healthier."

The study is published in the journal American Veterinary Medical Association.

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Update 28 July 2019



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