Cement is smart to withstand both bombs

According to an article in the Economist , Iran has the technology to create intelligent cement that is resistant to the bunker bomb.

Iran is located in an area prone to earthquakes, and the most recent earthquake occurred in the city. Bam in southern Iran, killing 30,000 people. That is why Iranian engineers have developed one of the hardest materials in the world.

Picture 1 of Cement is smart to withstand both bombs
Breaking the bunker also "hand in hand" with the building was built
by Iran's smart cement. (Source: Digital Trends)

Unlike conventional cement, UHPC 's Iranian cement is mixed with quartz and special fibers, making the cement resistant to extreme pressure. This cement is suitable for building bridges, dams, tunnels, increasing endurance of drainage pipes, even permeating pollutants.

US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is worried that as the tensions escalate, US bunker bombs may not reach Iran's deepest bunkers if the super-hardened cement is used. for military purposes.

However, according to the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which has been conducting research on UHPC cement since 2008, many other tools can be exploited to attack solid sites. This is like a snake robot carrying a nuclear warhead.