Scientists first made cement in the universe

The manufacture of cement in the universe can help people to build buildings that can withstand extreme conditions of temperature, radiation .

In the future, if humans can live in outer space, we will need buildings to live and work. But with extremely harsh conditions about temperature , radiation . building an outer space is not easy.

Picture 1 of Scientists first made cement in the universe
Astronaut Alexander Gerst tested making cement on space.(Photo: NASA).

However, the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) said that recently astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) have first made cement in zero gravity environment . Someday, this discovery could help people build places on Mars or the Moon in the future.

Cement is one of the ingredients that make up concrete, besides water, sand, and gravel. This is an adhesive bond with extremely high strength and is used in most buildings on Earth. According to a new study published by NASA, concrete can even afford to protect astronauts from radiation and toxic substances from outside the Earth.

"During astronauts or Mars missions, astronauts and equipment need to be protected from heat and radiation," explains expert Aleksandra Radlinska at Pennsylvania State University. "The only way to achieve this is to build an extraterrestrial infrastructure. One of the solutions is to use concrete or similar materials."

Besides, concrete or similar mixtures can be blended from materials in the universe, such as the dust on the Moon. Therefore, if humans can later live on the Moon or Mars, we can build houses using local materials instead of transporting from Earth, which will take a lot of time and money. of the.