Check earwax to know the condition of

A UK study found that a rare gene causes some people not to produce 'odor' in the underarm skin, according to Health24.

The study was conducted on 6,495 women conducted by Bristol University (UK).

Picture 1 of Check earwax to know the condition of
Many people still use deodorant even without it . 'smell' - (Photo: Shutterstock)

The team found that about 2% of women carry a rare gene called ABCC11, which prevents them from producing 'odor' in the underarm skin.

However, 78% of these people use deodorants almost every day. Meanwhile, 5% of people who have 'smells' in the underarm skin do not use deodorants.

Professor Ian Day, who led the study, said the findings could help to apply genetics to the production of body hygiene products.

A simple genetic test can help people better understand their bodies and save unnecessary costs on deodorant products, Ian Day added.

The team also found that people with rare genes ABCC11 often have dry ear wax. Therefore, checking the condition of earwax can also determine whether a person can produce 'odor' in the underarm skin area.