Chickens also have the ability to enjoy music

A scientist from New England University (Australia) has published a surprising study, that is, chickens also have the ability to enjoy and act according to the music.

According to SMH, Gisela Kaplan - a professor with many research topics on animal habits, said chickens also have "ears to listen to music" . They will work when meeting the rhythm with the right rhythm. So what kind of music do they like?

When playing Bossa Nova music with fast tempo, the chicks will immediately run towards the music, while yelling chirping sounds. This chirping of chickens resembles when they find food or are reunited with the herd.

If the music is turned on with a slow tempo, it will be consistent, the chickens will appear relaxed. They sit still without moving.

Picture 1 of Chickens also have the ability to enjoy music
The chicken clearly distinguishes different rhythms and responds to music through movements.

When heard of white sound is the sound of chicks heard in eggs before they hatch, it is strange that they are not enthusiastic to welcome. The reaction of the chicken is to bend and slip. Some of them even sounded like a light alarm.

Professor Kaplan said: "The chicken clearly distinguishes different rhythms and responds to music through movements. You can hear and see their reactions clearly."

Ms. Kaplan has collaborated with colleagues at the University of Trieste and Trento to study chickens' ability to listen to music . Scientists have chosen artificial hatched chicks. They should not hear the heartbeat or the rhythm of the mother's body when incubating the eggs naturally. When chicks range from 1 to 3 days old, they are allowed to listen to music on a treadmill-like device. This device will record and measure the movement of chicks.

The chicks' reaction shows that they are born not only to understand the rhythm of music but also to distinguish different rhythms. Professor Kaplan said she is still studying the Bossa Nova music that attracts chicks.

Picture 2 of Chickens also have the ability to enjoy music
This chicken probably likes to enjoy rock music.

While studying chicken habits seems a bit strange, it also sheds some light on the evolution of vertebrate animals through music permeability.

Rhythm is also a basic component of language. The results of Ms. Kaplan's research open up a new research direction on the ability of animals to feel vocal, including humans. Until recently, people still believed that the ability to perceive and enjoy rhythm was a unique feature unique to humans.

"In the animal world, enjoying music is extremely rare. We only found this in chickens, dolphins and whales," Ms Kaplan said.