Children who learn music early can easily show their talents

An interesting finding for parents: If you want your children to excel in the music field, let them start begin learning lessons as soon as possible.

The conclusion was drawn by new evidence from brain scans of 36 talented musicians and artists from around the world. These people can start learning music before or after the age of 7 but have equal training and training time.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results revealed that white matter in the corpus callosum region connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain has a wider network and connection in those who started learning music early.

Picture 1 of Children who learn music early can easily show their talents
According to researchers, those who started learning music early, about 7-8 years old,
has an advantage because the learning process coincides with a key developmental period of the brain.

The white matter connection system in people who start to learn late music is not much different from those in research subjects that are not musicians or artists playing instruments. This is remarkable, because the corpus callosum region supports speed and synchronization in tasks involving both hands, such as playing an instrument.

'I think our research provides real evidence of what musicians and teachers have long suspected that early training can have lasting effects on achievement and ministry. brain , 'Christopher Steele, a scientist from Max Planck Institute of Human and Brain Science (Germany) and a member of the international research group led by Concordia University (Canada) scientist Virginia Penhune , declare.

Mr. Steele further explained that trained young musicians could gain an advantage, as their training coincided with a critical period of brain development. At the age of 7 or 8, the corpus callosum in the human brain is able to comprehend better than ever necessary changes in connection, to meet the requirements of the instrumental learning process.

However, Mr. Steele stressed, the connection adjustment in the brain like this does not guarantee the birth of a musical genius.

The researcher said: 'What we show here is that people who start learning music early have certain skills, along with differences in the brain, but they don't turn them into music. artists or artists play better instruments. Music performance requires many things, including skills, passion, style, communication, etc. Therefore, learning music early can help you express your talents more easily than you can. transforming you into a genius'.

According to Mr. Steele, even those who start studying music late should not be discouraged, because it is never too late to start learning a skill and succeeding with it.