Children are smarter if they learn music early

Those who started learning music before they were 7, the relationship between the motor area and the sensory area in the brain was enhanced. Learning music early allows reinforcing the connection of nerve cells, according to The Gazette.

Studies to reach this conclusion are made at Concordia University and Montreal Institute of Neurology (Canada). Scientists recommend that children learn music before the year 7.

Picture 1 of Children are smarter if they learn music early
Learning music can accelerate the development of the middle
the motor and sensory regions of the brain.

Thanks to the brain scanning method, it was found that in the motor area of ​​the brain there were obvious changes in children who learned music early. Although it should not be roughly understood that the sooner a child learns music, he / she will be able to become a genius musician, but the results of early music learning can be seen immediately in the ability to learn a second language.

In the experiment to understand the effect of music learning, 36 people volunteered to participate. 50% of volunteers have been learning music since before the year 6. The rest also learn music but later.

Later, volunteers were asked to recreate the rhythm by audiovisual method. The group of people who have been learning music very early has few mistakes and time and accuracy. However, after a few days of training the trained group, the group that did not study music could not achieve the same results as the other group.

Thus learning music can accelerate the development between the motor and sensory regions of the brain, which is considered fundamental to the learning process. However, the brain scanning method did not reveal any difference in the brains of those who started learning music for six years with people who generally did not care about music.