Tips to help you become smarter in the eyes of others

Having intonation, eye contact, always smiling . are simple tips that always make you smarter in the eyes of others.

Forget about the thick glasses and heavy books to look like an "intellectual" because now science has researched and learned simple ways to help you "look " smarter.

1. Say intonation

The truth is, the way you speak has a huge impact on what others think of you. If you speak too slowly, people assume that this is a less honest person; If the voice is too high - people will think you're worried.

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Psychological research concludes that, if you want to become more reliable and intelligent in the eyes of others, you should say intonation. Saying intonation means that the voice goes up and down and changes the volume in a rhythmic way, and at the same time, breaks and breaks in the right place. This will help you increase credibility and look more confident in the eyes of others.

Some studies have shown that people not only express their emotions through facial expressions but also through their voices. Instinctively, the listener will conclude: a low voice is sad, and when angry or scared, the speaker will raise his voice more than usual.

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You can change by focusing on how you speak. Change the volume and volume appropriately to express your feelings to the people around you, and try to emphasize important words. Listening to news on TV and imitating the host's speech every 10 minutes is also a useful way.

2. Study eye contact

Westerners say that the more people communicate with their eyes, the more confident they are in themselves. Not only that, people who know by eye contact are also highly appreciated for their leadership ability, possessing a large 'overwhelming' ability, and less worried and smarter than those who do not look. straight into the eyes of the opposite person.

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Staring at other people's faces when they talk sometimes makes them panic.

However, if you are not careful, you will be very vulnerable to staring at other people's faces and making them panic. So how is eye contact normal and adequate? This depends on the circumstances. More specifically, we are often eye-to-eye when talking one-on-one with each other rather than when talking in the same group.

When talking with a large group of people, we only look at the other person's eyes for 3-5 seconds, but when talking privately, the time can be up to 7-10 seconds and then blink to look away.

Through research, scientists have discovered a suitable time to look into the eyes of others is 30% - 60%. This percentage may be higher if you are the more and lower listener if you are the main speaker in the conversation.

3. Sleep later

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Smart people often have a habit of staying up late and getting up early. One study tested the sleeping habits of 20,745 American youths and found that people who were "slow to understand" often went to sleep at 11:41 and got up at 7:20. In contrast, 'smart' people often sleep at 1229 and pick up the dawn on 7h52.

According to the conventional way of thinking, smart people often wake up until midnight to review, write essays, make reports to keep up the deadline in the next morning. However, this is an evolutionary trend - smarter individuals will be the first to change habits because their brains are always looking for novelty.

Is it because humans are primarily active during the day so smarter people will work on the night side to avoid being bothered by 'less intelligent' people.

4. Smile often

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Research has found a link between happy emotions or anger with 'smart' levels of facial expression. Accordingly, smart people often laugh more than 'less intelligent' people.

This may also apply to each person's level of trustworthiness. While people with less intelligent faces often have angry expressions, angry, frowning, smart people always have radiant faces, "fresh" smiles .

5. Always believe you are smart

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As long as you have faith, it will come true. When people believe that they can be smarter, they tend to learn new things and ask strange questions.

And conversely, if we consider intelligence to be a fixed and irreplaceable thing, we will feel satisfied with reality and not eager to learn new knowledge. Therefore, when you have faith, you can achieve the 'smart' level you want.

6. Work in a harder way

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Technology makes our life much simpler. However, according to scientists, working in a harder way helps you be smarter.

For example, with a GPS locator, the use of this device in determining the direction is undeniable, but if you are too dependent on it, you will never learn how to find your way.

Try removing the GPS and digging the path yourself to improve your direction. Choosing the harder way to complete a task will train your brain and help your intelligence to increase significantly.

7. Know what to say sincerely

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When encountering a heated debate with friends, you often fall into a weak position when the debate revolves around knowledge gaps that you don't know.

You may admit, that problem I don't know really, but if you want to keep a smart look, focus on what you know.

If you're debating, don't focus on disagreements between two people but slowly point out what you yourself know about the topic while still discussing with people.