China is about to transmit Internet super security from space

Secret messages sent by this method will be difficult to read and difficult to intervene, bringing many military and commercial advantages to the country of ownership.

China is preparing to build a super-secure Internet version broadcast from space , according to The Sun.

Beijing is preparing to launch the world's first "quantum satellite" , specifically designed to test new communications technology.

Picture 1 of China is about to transmit Internet super security from space
China is preparing to launch the world's first quantum satellite.(Illustration).

Chinese experts believe their work will spark a second space race when Russia, Europe and the United States are also competing to master the technology.

"Sure, I think there will be a race," said Chaoyang Lu, a physicist at China University of Science and Technology.

"If the first satellite launch goes well, China will definitely launch more."

Quantum technology will one day allow countries to communicate in a completely safe way. It works by shooting small particles called protons from a great distance.

These protons are sent by a certain configuration to convey the message. These messages will be very difficult to read, and also very difficult to fake because any interference will leave traces.

Professor Lu believes that a network of about 20 quantum satellites will allow China, or its national competitors, to provide Internet security to the entire world.

Picture 2 of China is about to transmit Internet super security from space
Super-secure Internet will be the national military and commercial advantage.

Researchers at Strathclyde University in the UK are also studying in this area, as well as US NASA scientists.

The first successful country will have many military and commercial advantages, because the ability to communicate completely confidentially can help big businesses as well as military, navy and air force forces.

There is a "Internet base" in space that is also useful for surveillance, because it allows spies to "scan" all over the world with high resolution cameras, and hide search results. be away from the public and enemy nations.