Quantum computers are here. But can we build a quantum laptop?

Britain conducts test flights of quantum-based technology, which it hopes will enable navigation independent of traditional satellite systems using GPS.

Quantum computers will indeed destroy Bitcoin and current Blockchain technology, if it reaches a mature stage.

Microsoft proved the existence of a conjectured quantum state in 1937, and relied on it to take quantum computing to the next level.

China is building the world's largest quantum research facility to develop quantum computers and 'revolutionary' technologies that can be applied to the military.

Researchers in Australia have recently designed a new type of qubit - which serves as the basis of quantum computers.

Despite being a country famous for internet restriction policies, China seems to be at the forefront of developing a new generation internet communication network.

Secret messages sent by this method will be difficult to read and difficult to intervene, bringing many military and commercial advantages to the country of ownership.

At the World Quantum Science Conference (ICQT) taking place in Moscow (Russia), scientists 'presented' their research and discussed their applicability.

Quantum chips are considered to be the most secure signal today and there is no technology to intervene and decipher this type of signal.