China sets a 100km . quantum communication record

Chinese scientists perform quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) over the world's longest distance.

Chinese scientists perform quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) over the world's longest distance.

A team of experts at Tsinghua University and Beijing Institute of Quantum Information Science set a record for the world's longest quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) distance - 100km. The new study was published in the journal Light: Science & Applications on April 6.

Picture 1 of China sets a 100km . quantum communication record

A participant experiences a quantum video conference at the 2021 Quantum Industry Conference in Hefei, Anhui province, eastern China.

Professor Long Guilu at the Department of Physics at Tsinghua University proposed the first protocol for quantum direct communication in 2000. Quantum direct communication uses quantum states as a carrier for encryption. coding and transmitting information. This is a new paradigm of quantum secure communication.

"QSDC helps to transmit information securely and reliably over a quantum channel that has both interference and eavesdropping. Compared with classical communication which is only concerned with reliable transmission of information over a noisy channel, QSDC has adds the ability to ensure safety by using the properties of a quantum information carrier," the team said.

QSDC has made rapid progress in recent years. For practical application, it is important to improve efficiency, for example communication distance and safe information rate. Before the breakthrough of the team at Tsinghua University and Beijing Institute of Quantum Information Science, the longest QSDC distance ever announced was 18 km.

"QSDC has attracted a lot of attention and has become one of the strongest candidates for future secure communications. This technology has great potential for 6G wireless communications," the team said. identify.

China is promoting industrial applications of quantum technology. The country has achieved many breakthroughs in quantum technology in recent years, including the world's first quantum satellite, a 2,000km quantum communication line between Beijing and Shanghai, a prototype quantum computer The world's first optical atomizer.

Update 17 April 2022



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