China successfully launched the satellite

China successfully launched SinoSat-6 radio and television satellite from the launch site in Sichuan province today.

Picture 1 of China successfully launched the satellite
SinoSat-6 satellites follow rocket launchers

Long March 3B missile carries SinoSat-6 satellite into orbit about 26 minutes after leaving the launch pad, Xinhua said. This satellite will be put into geostationary orbit in the next few days.

SinoSat-6 has a lifespan of about 15 years and will operate at an altitude of 35,700 km from the equator. The satellite will relay live Chinese radio and television programs and enhance the spiritual life of the people in the mountainous and remote areas.

China launched the first satellite as SinoSat-1 in 1998. The second launch of the 2006 satellite failed. SinoSat-6 will replace SinoSat-3, the satellite will be put into orbit in June 2007.