Chocolate - food of health

Phenolic substances present in chocolate work to prevent and limit the risk of risks to the cardiovascular system. Chocolate also has the effect of limiting the risk of increasing LDL - cholesterol levels, even if the diet is loose.

Picture 1 of Chocolate - food of health

(Photo: trulybadfilms)

The catechin in chocolate also works against oxidants - the cause of vascular sclerosis, blood fat as well as other risks for the heart, for the vascular system including brain vessels .

The history of chocolate

In the 1400s, Aztecs (North Americans) discovered for the first time that cocoa beans could be used to make drinking water. This special hot drink has the effect of restoring the health and vitality of the Aztecs named chocolate.

However, not all classes of people are allowed to use this drink because it is considered a drink accompanied by nobility and wisdom. Because of that, chocolate was only used in nobles, priests and soldiers and during religious occasions. Since then, cocoa beans have become valuable and valuable things to value and exchange goods (even gold can be exchanged) almost like the later currency.

The first European to know cocoa beans was Christopher Columbo in 1502, although he did not yet know the true value of these nuts. Only a little while later did the Spanish learn cocoa and chocolate drinks, and then they brought it into the court as a rare food. And many years later, chocolate is widely used in European countries such as France, Germany .

During the period of about four centuries, since the Aztecs found, chocolate is still used only as drinking water. By 1828, a German named Van Houten was able to successfully build the first solid chocolate bar, opening the era of chocolate with many forms and forms of processing.

Chemical composition of chocolate

In cocoa powder and chocolate contains about over 300 different chemicals. So far the understanding of the effects of these chemicals on human and animal bodies, especially the effects on the brain, nerves, cardiovascular . is still a difficult problem to solve. However, science gradually revealed every part of the veil of that chocolate name.

Picture 2 of Chocolate - food of health

(Photo: chocolate)

It is clear that chocolate contains caffeine, fat, sugar, flavonoids, minerals . and a significant amount of theobromine, which is 1.3 times more effective against cough than codeine. but does not cause cardiovascular and central nervous system side effects and is not as addictive as codeine. Moreover, it also contains tryptophan, phenylethylamine, also known as 'chocolate amphetamine' - a substance that stimulates the center of people's pleasure.

In 1993, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) confirmed that, if a high-carbohydrate snack has about 40 grams of chocolate to eat, you will no longer have to worry about the increased risk. Blood cholesterol. This is because with 40g of chocolate, only HDL - cholesterol (cholesterol) increases and LDL - cholesterol (bad cholesterol) content does not budge.

In 1996, another group of scientists concluded that cocoa and chocolate have a large amount of phenolic mixtures - a group of substances with very strong antioxidant activity. They made a comparison and found the following result: the amount of phenolic in 45g chocolate is equivalent to 140g of red wine. On the other hand, the content of other antioxidants, catechins in 100g of chocolate, is 4 times higher in 100ml of green tea leaf extract!

Effect on human health

Since being known as a rare food, chocolate has been evaluated to have a good effect on human health. Therefore, the first time discovered, chocolate is only used in nobles, kings in the court of Spain, France, Switzerland. While at that time, it was not known how specific the effects were, what organs were affected by the body, but they found that when they drank into their bodies, they felt refreshed, lucid, supplemented. complacent and enhance vitality.

Later on, many scientific studies, along with the discovery of additional active ingredients in chocolate ingredients, are found to have effects on specific parts of the human body.

Cardiovascular effects: This is the first benefit that scientists are interested in studying. Phenolic substances present in chocolate work to prevent and limit the risk of risks to the cardiovascular system. Scientists believe that thanks to this component, vascular plaque has less chance of forming and depositing in blood vessel walls.

Picture 3 of Chocolate - food of health

(Photo: ucdavis)

Moreover, chocolate also has the effect of limiting the risk of increasing LDL-cholesterol levels, even if the diet is loose. On the other hand, the catechin in chocolate also works against oxidants - the cause of vascular sclerosis, blood fat as well as other risks for the heart, for the vascular system including brain vessels.

Anti-cancer effects: There have been many studies showing the effects of green tea cancer prevention, similarly, some recent large-scale studies in Europe - the world's most used chocolate in the world The result of cancer prevention of chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is very clear. This is because chocolate contains many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

Effects on the brain: In fact, using chocolate makes people feel excited and refreshed. The reason is that this food contains caffeine, so it works almost like when drinking tea or coffee. On the other hand, chocolate increases the amount of serotonin, endorphin in the brain, making people feel comfortable and excited.

Effects on sexual activity: Many studies show that people, especially women, if using chocolate regularly will have inspiration, ability and opportunity to satisfy sex better. This is perfectly consistent with a study that showed that women who love chocolate have a stronger sexual orientation.

On the other hand, tryptophan in chocolate helps people feel more excited, attractive, and stimulates the pleasure center in the cortex. Because of that, many women who want to be 'more charming' have come to chocolate!

Other effects: Anti-tooth decay, long-lasting anti-cough, anti-tuberculosis and lung diseases, anti-depression.

Pharmacological effects: The successful extraction of cocoa butter from cocoa beans has a great influence in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. Cocoa butter has long been a type of excipient that has been evaluated as valuable and commonly used in preparation technology.

Although later, when technology developed, there were many types of chemical origin excipients that were used more and limited the disadvantages of cocoa butter, but pharmacists still did not forget the merits of the ancient excipients. this dictionary. In addition to cocoa butter, chocolate is also used to make additives, create colors, create attractive flavors, easy to drink for pharmaceuticals, especially drugs for children.

And what's still controversial. Many people acknowledge the miraculous effect of chocolate on human health, but many people always warn of its harmful effects. For example, people are constantly reminded that chocolate can be addictive! Chocolate can cause obesity! chocolate increases the risk of heart disease .

Although it is hard to deny it completely, because chocolate contains significant amounts of sugar and fat, there is no basis to confirm this concern if we only eat a moderate amount of chocolate. means no more than 50g per meal!

Note that the above benefits are true for dark chocolate, and not necessarily true for milk chocolate. And using chocolate in a comfortable, carefree way can also make you obese if you have an excess weight because it is inherently sweet.