A small piece of chocolate helps repel stroke

According to scientists, eating a chocolate bar every day can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by 39%.

The study was carried out in eight years with the number of volunteers participating in nearly 30,000 people between the ages of 35 and 65. They were eating chocolate with the main ingredient being cocoa every day.

Scientists found in cocoa beans contain flavanols, a substance that has the ability to increase oxygen in the blood and is useful for blood circulation in blood vessels. Black chocolate contains more of this substance than white chocolate and milk chocolate. Therefore, scientists recommend using black chocolate.

Picture 1 of A small piece of chocolate helps repel stroke

Chocolate is very good for cardiovascular.

Brian Buijsse, a nutritionist working at the Nutrition Institute in Nuthetal, Germany, is also one of the authors of this research, saying that even a small piece of chocolate benefits. for human. But he also stressed that eating lots of chocolate is easy to cause obesity because in 100 grams chocolate contains about 500 calories.

"There is an incorrect idea that the more chocolate you eat, the lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, and the fact that just a small amount of chocolate a day will repel these diseases, plus users "It will not be overweight," said Brian.