Eating chocolate helps to slim down?

A new study indicates that people who eat chocolate regularly tend to become "thinner".

>>>Want to lose weight: Eat chocolate in the morning

This result comes from the investigation of nearly 1,000 Americans through diet, calorie intake and BMI (a common method to measure obesity). They found that people who ate chocolate on average a few times a week were 'slimmer' than those who rarely ate.

Scientists believe that, although chocolate contains a large amount of calories, it also contains ingredients that are more likely to lose weight than 'create' fat.

Picture 1 of Eating chocolate helps to slim down?

Similarly, the publication of the Archives of Internal Medicine (a famous medical journal, published monthly by the American Medical Association shows: despite promoting calorie intake, eating chocolate often piercing helps reduce BMI.

The relationship between chocolate and weight persists even when other factors such as daily movement are introduced.The point of this study is how often chocolate is eaten, not the amount of 'loaded' chocolate in the body (no studies have found a connection between chocolate and chocolate). chocolate and weight loss.

'The antioxidant compound called catechins, can help' burn 'calories in muscles more when you move from there to lose weight , ' said Dr. Beatrice Golomb, University of California at San Diego, explained.

Researchers also caution that chocolate is not the only way to lose weight. And if you are looking for an effective weight loss menu, it would be more reasonable to start eating more vegetables and fruits.

This is not the first time scientists think chocolate has a good effect on human health. Previously, other studies also showed chocolate has a cardiovascular effect thanks to beneficial changes in blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and cholesterol levels. In particular, dark chocolate contains antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals.