Cholera bacteria are more aggressive due to structural changes

Under the heading 'Cholera bacteria become more aggressive', the French newspaper Le Monde (World) issued on January 28 identifies the very change in the transmission factor causing scientists to reconsider. Global plans to deal with this disease.

Picture 1 of Cholera bacteria are more aggressive due to structural changes
Cholera bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

Cholera originated from the Ganges plain (India) spread throughout the world since the 19th century. From 1817 until now, there have been about seven pandemics originating from Asia.

The last pandemic began in 1961 in Indonesia and lasts until now. The most heavily affected countries in recent times, apart from Haiti, are Angola, Zimbabwe, Pakistan and Vietnam.

The reason is that cholera is now persistent and extremely dangerous because cholera bacteria Vibrio cholerae has completely transformed into two new types, capable of killing those who have been vaccinated with old-style cholera.

The cholera bacteria are able to persist and they can be transmitted quietly through many people, without leaving any external symptoms .

New cholera bacteria can kill 1-5% of infected people, compared with 1% of the old germs.

Faced with this threat, the World Health Organization must review the opening of global vaccination campaigns. In addition, international organizations also pay attention to strengthening sanitation measures and ensuring clean water for the 13% of the population currently does not have access to this condition.