Christmas this year, first appeared

After 38 years, the "cold moon" phenomenon will appear at Christmas 2015.

The US aerospace agency (NASA) said the moon this month will reach its fullest level on the right Christmas day. The full moon phenomenon in December is also known as the "cold moon" because it occurs in the coldest month of the year. This is the first time in 38 years, the new "cold moon" appeared again at Christmas.

Regarding this issue, the reporter interviewed Mr. Nguyen Duc Phuong - Researcher on Astronomy - Space, National University of Hanoi.

Mr. Phuong said, Western countries calculated according to the solar calendar, while the Eastern countries have a negative calendar. The solar calendar is based on the movement of the earth around the sun, the lunar calendar is based on the activity of the moon.

Picture 1 of Christmas this year, first appeared
The cold moon will appear on Christmas 2015.

In the meantime, usually every year there is a redundant month, a missing month. Summing up those missing days, the monthly and annual full moon periods will be different but not significant. Maybe after many years, the full moon falls on a particular day, such as Christmas this year.

"We Eastern people are often not so concerned about when the full moon appears. Because this is a normal natural phenomenon. Every month has a full moon. According to the lunar calendar, the full moon usually falls on the middle day. months (15-16), and solar calendar can fall on any day.

This year, incidentally, after nearly 40 years, the full moon in December fell right on Christmas Eve and Westerners could give this phenomenon a special name, just like the blue moon phenomenon, or super cool , " Mr. Phuong said.

According to Mr. Nguyen Duc Phuong, the time when the moon is the fullest of the month, only some regions in the world are the maximum full moon. However, in other places, a full moon can be observed with negligible "deformation" .

According to NASA, the last time the full moon on Christmas is December 25, 1977.

This year, people living in the US will see the perfect full moon on the night of December 24 , and Europeans will see the full moon on December 25.

After 2015, people have to wait until 2034 to admire the cold moon on Christmas Eve.