The full moon on December 28 is quite a rare phenomenon, because this is the 13th full moon that humanity saw in 2012.

In fact, the full moon is a fast happening phenomenon. And in this December, the moon will be round, big and brightest from 5:21 am tomorrow morning (December 28).

Astronomers will have the opportunity to see the blue moon on August 31. This is the last chance for an average phenomenon of almost 3 years to come once.

Tonight's full moon phenomenon occurs when

At 7:41 am on December 21 (local time) from the capital of Ireland, Reykjavik, the Moon was seen turning red.

Many people believe that the lunar eclipse is a phenomenon of mystical nature, so when it happens, it is often related to abnormal changes in life. Exchange these concerns with

Last night the moon is in the closest position to the earth, so we see it the biggest and brightest in 2010.

At the time of New Year's Eve in 2010, in Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province appeared a blue moon phenomenon.

There are many thrilling stories happening around the full moon nights, but so far, scientists have been constantly debating.

Seawater is retained on Earth by gravity, the Moon and the Sun also have gravity for the earth. In particular, the Moon absorbs a mass of water on the ocean surface.