The moon is the brightest and brightest of the year

Last night the moon is in the closest position to the earth, so we see it the biggest and brightest in 2010.

Picture 1 of The moon is the brightest and brightest of the year

The moon is larger and brighter when it is closest to the earth.Photo: AP.

The moon is 384,403 km from the earth and revolves around our planet on an elliptical orbit near the circle with a point (nearest location) 363,104 km away and a distance (farthest location) of 405,696 km. Cycle of orbit about 27,321 days. Every year the moon approaches the spot once or twice when it's round. That coincidence happened last night, making the moon 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moon times in 2010, according to calculations by

In the evening we could also admire Mars, because this planet appears right to the left of the moon and is red.

Many people think the full moon phenomenon causes unusual behavior in humans and animals. According to Space, in fact many scientists have tried to prove that the full moon increases the rate of heart attack, death, suicide, acts of violence, psychosis, epilepsy and many other things. However, the evidence they give is vague or not widely accepted.

The illusion of the moon

If we look at the full moon at the time the sun is about to set, we will see that the moon appears larger in the horizon. That is just an illusion. You can prove this by taking a small object - like a pencil or chopsticks - and presenting it in front of it to compare its size to the moon. In the evening repeat the test again and will realize that its size is equivalent to sunset. Another way is to take a picture of the full moon at sunset and the evening with a camera or a mobile phone. Then you put two photos on the computer screen to compare the moon size.

Space said, so far astronomers and psychologists have yet to agree on how to explain the moon illusion.