Tomorrow, there will be the moon

In fact, the full moon is a fast happening phenomenon. And in this December, the moon will be round, big and brightest from 5:21 am tomorrow morning (December 28).

Picture 1 of Tomorrow, there will be the moon

With the naked eye, the shape, stimulus and brightness of the Moon will not change. However, telescope users will be delighted to admire the phenomenon of the Moon becoming unusually large compared to other planets because it is approaching quite close to Earth.

The diameter of Kim's star is only 1/30 the diameter of the Moon, all other planets seem to be small to yield to the Moon.

Even without a telescope, don't be disappointed that the magic of the last moon of the year is that even though the telescope or the naked eye, the brightness and size of the Moon are the same. In Southeast Asia, the last moon of the year will come a little later because of the cloudy appearance. The scientists still believe that at most locations in the world can see this full moon and quite "big" size.