Climate change is a global concern but for this animal is happiness

While all became messy, this animal was still comfortable with everything.

If you spend 3 seconds to google the impact of globalization, you will immediately receive millions of results, and only the negative information. However, in fact for some species, rising temperatures are an opportunity for ideal adventures, a positive signal for their lives.

"Gloomy octopus" (gloomy octopus) is the name of a rare beneficiary from the heavy impact of climate change. As the temperature rises, the ocean warms, which means the habitat of this octopus from Australia is expanding. They begin to multiply, traveling from Australia's eastern sea to the waters around Tasmania.

Picture 1 of Climate change is a global concern but for this animal is happiness
Gloomy octopus (gloomy octopus).

This exciting adventure will last about 240km (150 miles) to the southwest. This can be considered an uneasy journey for species of a size just as small as a sea ball.

But if you think this will stop them, it is clear that you have underestimated this "gloomy octopus" . They took advantage of the so-called ocean currents, so they went to a new house uneasily.

In addition, the good news is that the move seems to really bring many benefits to this animal. Dr. Gretta Pecl, one of the authors of the study, published in Nature, explains: "New octopus populations are developing and reproducing extremely healthy".

Picture 2 of Climate change is a global concern but for this animal is happiness
Leave me alone, I'm fine.

However, the negative points still exist, that is about the same. Researchers are concerned that genetic diversity is declining, as "gloomy octopus" when moving to new waters will meet and "interact with " the "travelers" along the way. .

In addition, a more visible and interesting issue is that at this new home it seems that this advantage is not the only gloomy octopus to stay. In contrast, we have countless other aquatic species, such as lobster and abalone.

Octopus is a predator, so local fishermen are worried that they will affect the population here, causing catastrophes for their life. That worry became even clearer when the heat waves caused a sharp drop in the number of shellfish-type fishermen recently.

Picture 3 of Climate change is a global concern but for this animal is happiness
It was gloomy looking at his face .

The solution is not yet available, and local authorities are letting fishermen take care of themselves. After all, the gloomy octopus is also a pretty tasty dish and other attractions.

However, whether local residents are actually hunting or taking any "threatening" actions, it is undeniable that Tasmania is the ideal home for this new neighbor.

And when the world is confused, struggling with the effects of no signs of climate change, the "gloomy octopus" is feeling extremely happy and satisfied with everything.