People are not the only factor causing climate change

People are not the only factor causing global warming, according to a team of Swedish scientists, but the Sun's natural activity also affects climate change.

The team re-established and recorded the Sun's activities beginning in the late ice age, about 20,000 to 10,000 years ago. Research has shown that the volatility of these activities has affected the Earth's climate , regardless of extreme climate like ice age, or mildness like today.

However, researchers do not think these activities are the main cause of global warming - most scientists think that people are the factors that have accelerated this process. .

Picture 1 of People are not the only factor causing climate change
The Sun causes climate change.(Source: NASA)

Researchers from Lund University in Sweden came to this conclusion after analyzing microelements in ice cores in Greenland and cave tectonics in China.

The study of the group showed that the region's climate is affected by the Sun and provides an opportunity to more accurately predict future climatic conditions in certain areas.

Dr. Raimund Muscheler, Lund's Quaternary Geology lecturer at the University of Lund, co-authored the study said that the Sun's activity in modern times has caused the Earth's temperature to rise by about 0.1 degrees in the period. Sun period lasts 11 years.

"However, there will be a lot of debate about the contribution of solar activities over the past 100 years, because these activities have increased slightly. It is not certain of the long-term trend, but most Everyone thinks the data will not be greater than 0.1 degrees, " said Dr. Muscheler.

He also warned that the Sun is not the only factor causing climate change. " Some say that the Sun is making the Earth heat up more than we thought, but I don't think so. Our research shows that we need to take into account all the processes - greenhouse gas emissions, The Sun, and more, especially for the regional climate. "

In the last maximum ice age, Sweden was covered by a thick layer of ice that stretched to the north of Germany, and the sea level was about 100 meters lower today, because the water was frozen in the crowns. big tape.

Picture 2 of People are not the only factor causing climate change

"Research shows an unexpected connection between solar activity and climate change," Dr. Muscheler told a news conference. "It shows that changes in the Sun's activity are not new, and these activities are affecting the Earth's climate, especially at the regional level. Learn more about these processes. will help us more accurately predict the climate of specific regions ".

The influence of the Sun on climate change is currently a controversial issue. There are still many mysteries in the sun that affect the climate, but according to new research, direct solar energy is not the most important factor, but instead impacts on gas circulation. The Sun's main problem is indirect.

"The Sun's reduced activity can lead to colder winters in the Nordic region , " Dr Muscheler said. "Because the Sun's UV radiation will directly affect the atmospheric circulation. But interestingly, this process is also bringing in warmer winters in Greenland, with thicker snow and more storms. The study also shows that the Sun's processes in climate models need to be taken into account in order to better predict regional and global climate changes in general.