People have made the pace of climate change hundreds of times faster

The influence of people on the environment, especially the issue of climate change is becoming more serious than ever.

One of the most prominent concerns of people today is how to curb the process of change that is increasing rapidly.

And to increase the severity, recently experts from Sweden and Australia have announced a startling data: Earth's climate is changing at a rate hundreds of times faster just because of us .

Picture 1 of People have made the pace of climate change hundreds of times faster

Specifically, compared to 7,000 years ago, the speed of climate change on Earth today is 170 times faster. At that time, planetary temperatures decreased by about 0.1 degrees Celsius per century. But when the Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th century, everything changed in a bad way.

In the past 45 years, the Earth's temperature has increased at a rate of about 1.7 degrees Celsius / century. That's what Owen Gaffney from Stockholm University (Sweden) and Will Steffen of the Australian National University.

Even if compared to the time when the temperature increased very rapidly 56 million years ago - when volcanoes were active, emitting billions of tons of methane gas into the environment, causing the oceans to be hydrated - the current speed also 10 times larger.

Picture 2 of People have made the pace of climate change hundreds of times faster

According to Stefen, before the Earth temperature changes mainly due to the impact of astrophysical factors: Earth axis, geological activities . Nowadays, the impact from humans goes above all. .

" We are not saying that astrophysical and geological factors do not affect, but in the short term, their effects cannot be compared to humans ." - Stefen said.

But not yet, because climate is not the only factor affected by humans. " With biodiversity, animals' extinction rates are tens and hundreds times higher ."

The study is published in The Anthropocene Review.